
Hemitrema is a severe limb movement disorder. It manifests itself in the form of attacks of short-term or long-term trembling of the muscles of the arms and legs. Patients complain of the inability to hold even the simplest objects. This condition is relatively rare in both adult patients and children. Hemitrema affects people with impaired blood supply to the brain. As a result, incomplete transmission of nerve impulses occurs, and consequently muscle contraction. The clinical manifestations of hemitram depend on the degree of brain damage. They are most pronounced in severe forms of the disorder. With mild hemitria there is no clinical picture. The only manifestation is a slight tremor when exposed to unfavorable factors such as smell, sound or light.

In medicine, there are several forms of hemitism. Progressive is characterized by a gradual increase in the number of movements as the disease develops. Symptomatic occurs due to traumatic brain injury or severe stress, exposure to an infection or a toxic substance. For no apparent reason, i.e. isolated is extremely rare. As a rule, this is an idiopathic form. Unnatural causes include previously suffered hemitism. With this disease, the patient needs lifelong treatment. The therapeutic approach to a patient with such a diagnosis requires an individual approach in each specific case. Only an experienced and competent specialist can prescribe treatment that will help get rid of the underlying problem and improve the quality of life of each such person.