Sanitary Transport Detachment of the Fleet

Fleet medical transport detachment: history and tasks

The fleet's medical transport detachment is an important component of the navy. This detachment provides medical support and evacuation of the wounded and sick during combat operations, as well as in peacetime. In this article we will look at the history of the fleet's sanitary transport units and their tasks.


The first sanitary transport units were created at the beginning of the 20th century, when the first warships equipped with hospitals began to appear in the navy. Specially trained medical personnel and medical equipment were placed on board the ship to provide first aid to the wounded and sick.

Subsequently, separate sanitary transport detachments were created, which were engaged in the evacuation of the wounded and sick on specially equipped transport ships. During World War II, these units played an important role in the evacuation of the wounded and sick from all over the world.


The Fleet Medical Transport Detachment performs a range of missions related to the medical support of the Navy. Main tasks include:

  1. Medical assistance on ships. The fleet's medical transport detachment provides medical care on warships at sea. This includes primary care, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries.

  2. Evacuation of the wounded and sick. One of the main tasks of the fleet's medical transport detachment is the evacuation of the wounded and sick on special transport ships. These vessels are equipped with medical equipment and personnel ready to provide the necessary medical care.

  3. Training of medical personnel. The fleet's medical transport detachment trains medical personnel working on board ships and transport vessels. This includes training in medical technology, medical tactics in military conflict, and other aspects of military medical training.

Modern medical transport units of the fleet are high-tech and equipped with everything necessary to provide medical care in various conditions. They continue to play an important role in supporting combat operations and ensuring the safety of the navy.


The Fleet Medical Transport Detachment is an important link in the Navy's medical support system. It performs the tasks of providing medical care on ships, evacuating the wounded and sick, and training medical personnel. Modern medical transport units of the fleet have a high technical level and are equipped with everything necessary to effectively perform their tasks. Without their work, the Navy would not be able to ensure its combat effectiveness and protect the interests of its country.

Sanitary transport battalion - (separately in some flotilla(s) and naval bases) formed as separate units of a battalion of ships or ships with weapons and equipment exclusively for the tasks of supplying sanitary transport vessels and providing medical care to non-quartermaster and sanitary botanical doctors naval personnel of ports and bases, convoys, flotillas and naval bases of military communications. Medical unit, medical battalion, SPTB are separate (1 battalion, 2) separate military hospitals that performed, were not an independent unit in most of the navies of those countries and the organizational composition was distinguished by the presence of a surgical or outpatient department deployed on board the craft (for patients of the Russian Navy - even a multi-purpose vessel - but in the form of an autonomous object), medical officers and medical personnel (clerks, assistants, nurses and doctors), medical equipment and ambulance transport. They were the main auxiliary and auxiliary-reserve (service), medical and medical service of any formation of the Navy. These military medical institutions were of different types - bed-based inpatient treatment centers, outpatient clinics, mobile medical centers, military clinics, etc. During the Cold War era, this institution was also a kind of quarantine, although only for military sailors, and could not perform other functions besides military sanitary ones. For mass admission of military personnel for treatment to military hospitals, it was necessary to combine it with treatment and diagnostic military medical centers, medical troops and quarantine facilities and points of military hospital barracks and companies. There were several options for military clinics and outpatient clinics for military-ground formations - and a naval hospital, intended mainly for the population of sea and river cities and port areas with villages. For examination and treatment of mild forms of the disease in military personnel with basic