Hemolysins Immune

Hemolysin immune G. These are specific immunoglobulins, in the molecules of which there is no antigen-binding fragment, and in the cortex there is a replacement of S - the tertiary structural element of the molecule - with L - an amino acid residue and there is no heavy chain and active center. Secreted by immunized cells of the immune system: plasma cells, macrophages, T-lymphocytes; form soluble Ig complexes with erythrocytes. According to various authors, from 3 to 21% of individuals are seropositive. G.I.H do not neutralize, but bind free hemoglobin of erythrocytes; during their coagulation, acute hemolysis can develop; Precipitation of a blood clot is not affected. Capable of agglutination of microbes (leptospira, streptococci) that have similar antigenic properties to erythrocyte Ags. With long-term use, they can lead to the development of autoimmune hemolytic anemia after changes in the genome of the RES under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Immune hemolysin is the so-called “anti-erythrocyte antibody”, formed as a result of immunization of the body in the event of a pathological reaction (allergic, infectious or other) to its own cells, the epithelium of blood vessels. Red blood cell hemoglobin is exposed to various enzymes or antibodies - this directly depends on the reason that caused the formation of hemolysin. The result is damage and destruction of the red blood cell membrane - the development of hemolysis.