
Country of origin: Russia, Genfarm Inc. Canada

Pharm-Group: Antihypertensives - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

Manufacturers: Bryntsalov (Russia), Genfarm Inc. (Canada)

International name: Captopril

Synonyms: Alkadil, Angiopril, Angiopril-25, Apo-Capto, Acetene, Blockordil, Vero-Captopril, Capocard, Capoten, Capofarm, Capril, Capto, Captopril, Captopril 25, Captopril Hexal, Captopril OF, Captopril Stada International, Captopril-Acos , Captopril-Acri, Captopril-B

Dosage forms: tablets 12.5 mg, tablets 25 mg, tablets 50 mg, tablets 100 mg

Ingredients: Active ingredient - Captopril.

Indications for use: Arterial hypertension (mono- and combination therapy), congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, impaired left ventricular function in a stable condition in patients after myocardial infarction, diabetic nephropathy against the background of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, the presence of anamnestic information about the development of Quincke's edema with previous prescription of ACE inhibitors, hereditary or idiopathic Quincke's edema, primary hyperaldosteronism, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Restrictions on use: An assessment of the risk-benefit ratio is necessary in the following cases: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, aortic stenosis or other obstructive changes that impede the outflow of blood from the heart; hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with low cardiac output; severe renal dysfunction; bilateral renal artery stenosis or stenosis of the artery of a single kidney; presence of a transplanted kidney; hyperkalemia; childhood.

Side effects: The main side effects from various organ systems are listed.

Interaction: The main drug interactions are described.

Overdose: Symptoms and emergency measures are described.

Special instructions: Recommendations are given for monitoring, dosing, and use in special groups of patients.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2003, Encyclopedia of Medicines 2003