Sample With Sodium Benzoate

The sodium benzoate test, also known as the Quika-Pytel test, is one of the most common methods for determining benzene levels in air. This method is based on the reaction of benzene with benzoic acid in the presence of sodium, resulting in the formation of sodium salt of benzoic acid.

To carry out a test with sodium benzoic acid, it is necessary to prepare a solution of benzoic acid and sodium. Then air containing benzene is added to the solution and the mixture is stirred. When benzene is present, a reaction occurs between it and benzoic acid to form the sodium salt.

After this, the mixture is filtered and the concentration of sodium salt is measured. The concentration of benzene in the air being tested is calculated using a formula that takes into account the amount of sodium salt and the volume of air passed through the solution.

The sodium benzoate test is a quick and simple method for determining benzene content, which is widely used in laboratories and industrial facilities. However, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to properly prepare the solution and conduct the analysis in accordance with the recommendations.