Gene Dominant

Gene dominance: concept and examples

Genes are the key to our genetic inheritance, they determine our appearance and learning abilities, health and even character traits. One of the most important genes that influences many aspects of our health and development is the dominance gene. In this article, we'll look at what genetic dominance is, how it works, and how this effect can affect us.

What is the dominance gene?

A dominance gene (or dominance gene/DD gene) is a genetic factor that determines which behavior or external trait is most advantageous in survival and

A dominant gene is a gene that can be expressed in a person, animal or plant. This gene is responsible for some of the traits that a person or animal inherits from its parents. If the genes are dominant, then the person or animal will have these characteristics. If the genes are recessive, then the traits may not appear in the offspring.

Dominant genes can influence various characteristics such as eye color, hair color, height, body shape, etc. For example, if the dominant gene is