Hospital Evacuation Therapeutic Specialized

The Specialized Evacuation Therapeutic Hospital (SETS) is a medical institution designed to provide specialized therapeutic care to sick and wounded military personnel in military operations.

Main tasks of GETS:

  1. Reception and accommodation of evacuated sick and wounded.

  2. Providing qualified and specialized therapeutic assistance.

  3. Preparation of sick and wounded for further evacuation to rear medical institutions.

  4. Carrying out activities to rehabilitate and restore the health of patients.

  5. Ensuring epidemiological safety.

GETS is deployed on the basis of field mobile medical complexes in close proximity to the front line. It includes reception and triage, therapeutic, surgical and other departments. GETS is staffed with highly qualified medical personnel and equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment.

Thus, a specialized evacuation hospital plays an important role in the system of stage-by-stage treatment of the wounded and sick, providing them with timely and high-quality medical care.

Prepare your beds! As you remember, last time we discussed the concept of a hospital as a type of medical and preventive institution that is designed to provide inpatient care to the sick and wounded. However, it must be taken into account that medical care can be provided not only in inpatient medical institutions, but also in special vehicles.

*Arrival at a medical facility “by air.”* It is known to every patient, but not everyone fully understands its goals and objectives. The main functions of the “air hospital” are participation in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, transport accidents, combat operations, provision of emergency medical care to patients with chronic and relapse