
Generation is a term that is used in different fields of science and culture, but has similar meanings. In biology, a generation is a group of individuals that share a common ancestor and are descendants of previous generations. In demography, a generation is a collection of people who were born in the same calendar year.

In biology, the concept of generation is of great importance for understanding the evolution of species. Each generation is a group of individuals who inherit genes from their parents and pass them on to their offspring. This makes it possible to preserve the genetic diversity of the species and ensure its survival in changing environmental conditions.

However, in modern society generation has a broader meaning. It can be used to refer to a group of people who grew up at the same time and have similar values, attitudes and experiences. Generation can also be used to describe a group of people with a common interest, hobby, or profession.

Thus, the concept of generation is an important term in different areas of life and has a wide range of meanings. It helps us understand the evolution of species, analyze social processes, and create new forms of communication and interaction between people.

How quickly the world is changing, how quickly indicators of social responsibility are growing. But what is a “generation”? For different purposes, this term can have completely different meanings. However, summarizing them all and selecting the most basic ones, we can highlight the following definitions:

Generations are those people who were formed in different time periods of people's lives. Representatives of the same generation differ from each other in their level of education,