

Genesis is the evolution and process of development of life from origin to modernity. The origin of life on Earth is one of the most complex and little-known mysteries of science and humanity, which is of great importance for understanding the origin of the Universe and the evolution of the Earth.

**Origin of Life**

Chemical evolution is considered one of the main theories of the origin of life. The idea behind this theory is that certain chemical compounds can form more complex structures that can produce other compounds. Chemical reactions would begin between simple molecules that would combine into a more complex structure. This could lead to the emergence of metabolism, which is the ability of organisms to convert chemical energy into their own cell energy. During the process of evolution, changes occurred in the genetic material, DNA molecules began to reproduce in new cells. This is how the first cellular organisms arose. Thanks to numerous studies, scientists have made some conclusions about how chemical evolution occurred on Earth. One of the reasons for the emergence of life could be a large influx of energy containing hydrogen. Probably, such energy could provide sufficient speed of chemical reactions necessary for the emergence of life. However, only the beginning of life could not be found. Biology is still discussing the existence of living beings that do not have consciousness and a nervous system. They got the name