
What are genitals?

The genitals are a human organ that plays an important role in the process of reproduction and reproduction. However, many people have a question: what are genitals and what is the correct name for them? In this context, genitals are used mainly, of course, in an anthropological aspect as a set of external genitalia of humans and animals. The word genitalia comes from the Latin word genitalia, which means “pertaining to reproduction.” In ancient Rome, the word genitalia was used to refer to the male and female genital organs, as well as to refer to adults ready to reproduce. But it also had another meaning - a weapon, the use of which, according to the ancient Romans, was associated with death. Therefore, modern people prefer to use more neutral words such as genitals or genitals. In future discussions of this topic, we will use one of these two words.

What are genitals for?

Genitalia is a term used to describe the anatomical part of the body that is responsible for sexual function in general, and includes the genital organs of men and women: testicles, scrotum, vagina, penises, urethra, etc. The skin and mucous surfaces closest to these organs also belong to the genitals.

The genitals are an extremely sensitive area of ​​the body