
Progestogen: description, application and effects

Progestogen is a group of steroid hormones that are naturally formed in the female body or can be synthesized artificially. One of the most well-known gestagens is progesterone, which plays an important role in the female reproductive system.

Progesterone promotes normal pregnancy by preparing the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg and maintaining pregnancy until childbirth. In addition, gestagens can be used to treat various diseases associated with the reproductive system.

One of the most common uses of progestins is contraception. Progestins may be used as the main component of oral contraceptives or other hormonal contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy. They act by preventing ovulation - the release of an egg from the ovary, which makes conception impossible.

In addition to contraception, progestins can be used to treat other diseases associated with the reproductive system. They can help reduce premenstrual tension, regulate the menstrual cycle, and treat abnormal uterine bleeding. Progestins can also be used to treat amenorrhea – absence of menstruation.

Synthetic gestagens can be taken orally in the form of tablets or capsules, but the naturally occurring hormone must be administered to the patient either intramuscularly or as a subcutaneous implant. This is due to the fact that natural gestagens are quickly broken down in the liver and cannot be used effectively when taken orally.

Despite the many benefits that progestins can provide, they also have some side effects. One of them is a possible increase in the risk of thrombosis. In addition, progestins can cause changes in weight, mood and skin.

In general, progestogens are an important class of hormones that play a key role in the female reproductive system and can be used to treat various diseases. However, before you start taking gestagens, you should consult your doctor and discuss all the pros and cons of this medication.

Gestagen is a representative of the group of steroid hormones. In the human body, it is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. It promotes the normal development of pregnancy and reduces premenstrual tension.

Progestogens are widely used in medicine to treat various diseases associated with hormone imbalance. For example, they are used in the treatment of amenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, and premenstrual tension.

In addition, gestagens are one of the main components of oral contraceptives, which are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. They prevent ovulation and reduce the amount of estrogen in a woman’s body.

Synthetic gestagens can also be used as medications. However, their use must be strictly controlled and carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Thus, progestogen is an important hormone in the human body, which plays a key role in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Its use in medicine helps fight various diseases and hormonal imbalances.

Progestin is a group of steroids that help pregnant women avoid complications during pregnancy and ensure proper growth and development of the fetus. These substances stimulate the growth and viability of the placenta, which is especially important in the first three months of pregnancy. At the moment, there are several natural and synthetic gestagens, but their functions remain similar. Natural progestins (such as progesterol) are primarily used as intravenous injections, while synthetic drugs may come in tablets or capsules.

Progestins are very similar in composition to the human hormone estrogen (female), so their purposes and uses range from use in hormonal contraceptives to reducing the severe effects of postpartum depression. The key is progesterone's ability to quickly reduce bleeding in menstruating women. This can make the life of a pregnant woman much easier, since many progestin drugs only become less painful in the second half of the period. If a mother is expecting a baby, progestin side effects such as water retention, morning sickness, and severe loss of appetite are associated with more aggressive progestogens, including norethisterol.

Often, pregnant women undergo endometrial stem cell procedures with reproductive system cells to correct abnormally heavy bleeding and also prevent disease. Although in vitro fertilization (IVF) is more expensive, it allows a woman to become pregnant despite medical problems. All these diseases contribute to improper growth and development of the placenta. This relationship has been well identified in those women who take contraceptives prescribed to them by gynecologists. In any case, all types of contraceptive drugs should be used with caution and after consultation with a gynecologist. Although the chemical industry has created many different levels of gel, vaginal gels and tablets are generally recommended for female social support. By taking time off treatment, these antibiotics help reduce soreness and inflammation. Regardless