Signs caused by conditions of the nose, ears and teeth

A crooked nose is a bad sign, indicating the proximity of death, for its cause is a bad, murderous spasm; A flattened nose is also not a good sign. If the patient relies only on the nose and nostrils when inhaling, this is a bad sign, just as if you smell musk or ghee or clay in his breath. The discharge of yellow liquid drop by drop from the nose during acute fevers sometimes indicates the imminence of death, and if the patient does not sneeze from sneezing, this is a sign of imminent death due to loss of sensitivity, as well as the absence of bleeding when the nostrils are rubbed and scratched. It is not a good sign if the patient constantly and for no reason holds his finger in his nose and seems to be pecking at it; fluid coming out of the nose is also a bad symptom.

Dryness and eversion of the lobes and shrinkage of the shell are not a good sign. They say that if ear dirt becomes sweet, this, according to Galen, is a bad sign, and according to more ancient doctors, it is also destructive. The appearance of pain in the ears during acute fevers is dangerous: if something does not start to flow from the ears and the pain does not go away, then it kills. This happens with old people, but as for young men, due to their Strong sensitivity they die before the leak opens.

When a patient with acute fevers chatters his teeth and seems to be eating something, this is not a good sign. They say that if a person’s teeth become covered with a viscous plaque during a fever, it means his fever has intensified, for this indicates intense heat and viscous, slowly dissolving matter. When patients, contrary to their habits, start brushing their teeth every now and then, this is not a good sign. Unusual grinding and grinding of teeth often portends insanity, and if first insanity occurs, and then such phenomena occur, this is a sign of death, unless the patient is accustomed to grinding his teeth due to weakness of the jaw muscles, and his teeth do not creak from the most insignificant reason. Blue discoloration of the incisors is also not a good sign.