Ginezol 7

Ginesol 7: antifungal agent for the treatment of infections and lesions

Ginesol 7 is a drug that is used to treat fungal infections and lesions in various parts of the body. The drug contains the active substance miconazole, which belongs to the group of imidazole and triazole derivatives.

Gynesol 7 is manufactured by Segmel Inc. in the United States of America. The drug has several dosage forms, including 100 mg vaginal suppositories and 2% vaginal cream. Gynesol 7 is also known by synonyms such as Gyno-dactanol, Gyno-dactarin, Dactanol, Daktarin, Lanaderm, Mycozone and Miconazole nitrate.

The use of Ginezol 7 is recommended for fungal infections of the skin and nails, gastrointestinal candidiasis and oropharyngeal candidiasis, as well as vulvovaginal candidiasis and infections caused by gram-positive microbes. The drug is also effective for mixed fungal and bacterial lesions of the skin and nails.

Despite its effectiveness, Ginesol 7 has several contraindications. The drug is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to miconazole, as well as for herpetic fever, pregnancy (II and III trimesters) and childhood (under 12 years).

When using Ginezol 7, local skin reactions may occur, such as burning, tingling and redness, as well as irritation of the vaginal mucosa, pain in the lower abdomen and allergic contact dermatitis. In addition, the use of suppositories with miconazole may reduce the reliability of mechanical contraception (Lexate-containing products: condoms, vaginal diaphragms).

To effectively treat vaginal lesions, it is recommended to simultaneously treat the sexual partner. If within 4 weeks treatment does not lead to clinical improvement or local reactions occur, you must stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Ultimately, Gynesol 7 is an effective drug for treating fungal infections and lesions on various parts of the body. However, when using the drug, you must be careful and follow your doctor's recommendations to avoid possible side effects and achieve the best treatment result.