Hyperesthesia Mental

**Emotional hyperesthesia** or **mental** is a perceptual phenomenon in which ordinary stimuli cause such a strong reaction in a person that he perceives them as threatening. In some cases, people complain of constant stress and neuro-emotional stress. It is this dissonance between what is perceived and what is expected that prompts people to seek the help of specialists. Clinical psychologist Anton Kartaev notes. Many people are familiar with the feeling when we literally shy away from contact with certain people, even if we have known them for many years or love them very much. When such emotional connections no longer make us feel threatened or afraid, people quickly form them with almost all members of the opposite sex. This is normal, as it promotes procreation and the survival of the population. However, there are often cases when such a reaction extends to oneself. This psychological abnormality has a medical name: hyperesthesia of the emotional sphere. How do manifestations of psychological hyperesthesia manifest? Typically, a negative reaction to potential psychological problems precedes panic and fuss. A person experiences thoughts that are difficult to the point of painfulness, begins to obsessively look for signs of a potential threat and begins to think about the idea of ​​suicide. Subsequently, a hysterical manifestation of symptoms from the autonomic nervous system may occur: rapid heartbeat, sweating, etc. People note that the body literally refuses to perform its usual work: their hands swell, their joints, muscles and skin constantly ache, and fat deposits grow. At the same time, no one around them has any idea about the condition, and sometimes people get the impression that the mental state does not affect the physical state in any way.