Hyperlipidaemia, Hyperlipaemia

Hyperlipidaemia Hyperlipaemia is a condition characterized by elevated levels of lipids (fats) in the blood.

Hyperlipidemia occurs when lipid metabolism in the body is disturbed. This leads to excessive accumulation of lipids such as triglycerides, cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood.

The main causes of hyperlipidemia are:

  1. Hereditary diseases associated with lipid metabolism disorders

  2. Poor nutrition with excess consumption of fats and carbohydrates

  3. Physical inactivity and obesity

  4. Diabetes

  5. Liver and kidney diseases

  6. Taking certain medications

Elevated levels of lipids in the blood are a significant risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Diagnosis of hyperlipidemia is based on analysis of the lipid spectrum of the blood. Treatment includes diet, exercise, and lipid-lowering medications. Correction of hyperlipidemia is of great importance for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Hyperlipidaemia Hyperlipaemia is a condition characterized by elevated levels of lipids (fats) in the blood.

Lipids circulating in the blood include cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids. They are transported using lipoproteins - particles consisting of protein and lipid.

Elevated lipid levels can be caused by hereditary factors or secondary causes such as obesity, poor diet, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, hypothyroidism and certain medications.

Hyperlipidemia increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The diagnosis is made based on blood tests. Treatment includes lifestyle and diet changes and medications to lower lipid levels. Control of lipid metabolism is necessary to prevent complications.

Hyperlipidemia is a pathology accompanied by excess adipose tissue in the bloodstream, as well as increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, there are disruptions in metabolism, which contributes to changes in the structure of the vascular walls.

Most often, several types of hyperlipidemia occur. A reduced concentration of good quality lipoproteins (HDL) combined with a high level of poor quality lipoprotein particles (LDL-C) is the cause of atherosclerosis. Imbalance of the elements of the complex of lipid fractions is important for diseases with a risk of developing myocardial infarction: myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease. The mixed type of hyperlipidemia shows an increased risk of cerebrovascular accidents.

In addition to the ailments listed above, many types of obesity are associated with increased concentrations of lipids in the blood serum.

Fats are mainly caused by poor diet and stress. Hyperlipidemia involves an increase in cholesterol levels, the synthesis of certain types of specific proteins, and a decrease in the amount of total and fatty acids. Against the background of pathological processes, cholesterol deposits form in the arteries and vessels