Sheehan's Syndrome, Postpartum Pituitary Necrosis (Sheehan S Syndrome)

Sheehan syndrome, or postpartum pituitary necrosis, is a condition that develops after severe bleeding during pregnancy or childbirth. It is characterized by atrophy of the internal and external genitalia, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and infertility.

The cause of Sheehan syndrome is necrosis (death) of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland as a result of a sharp decrease in blood supply to this organ due to massive blood loss during childbirth. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of hormones that stimulate the function of the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands. When it is damaged, a deficiency of these hormones develops, which leads to atrophy of the genital organs and infertility.

For comparison, Asherman's syndrome develops after traumatic childbirth or surgery on the uterus and is manifested by obliteration (overgrowth) of the uterine cavity. This also leads to infertility, but does not affect ovarian function and does not cause atrophy of the external genitalia, as with Sheehan syndrome.

"Shegan syndrome" is a condition that can be caused by severe bleeding at the end of pregnancy, which leads to atrophy of the internal and external female reproductive organs, hypogonadism and infertility. The condition occurs due to necrosis of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland as a result of decreased blood circulation. This differs from Asheraman syndrome, a disease in which there is blockage of the fallopian tubes.

Sheehan syndrome, or postpartum pituitary necrosis, is a very dangerous condition for a woman. It is caused by necrosis of the anterior lobe of the hypothalamus due to severe bleeding during childbirth. This leads to complete or partial atrophy of the internal and external genital organs in a woman, which can lead to infertility and the development of amenorrhea. In this condition, the blood in the body does not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients, which leads to the development of hypothalamic amenorrhea and menstrual irregularities.

To avoid this disease, it is necessary to follow certain rules during labor. Postpartum bleeding should be stopped strictly according to indications. However, doctors cannot always completely stop the bleeding in such cases due to complications of the disease. If the bleeding does not stop, women develop Sheehan syndrome.