Deadlift on straight legs

We have already considered the exercise “Deadlift» in the training-oriented exercises section back muscles. If you remember, the key point in this exercise was to keep your legs in a slightly bent (knee joint) position. With this performance, the main focus of the deadlift's impact was on long back muscles. If fulfill This exercise, nose straight legs – then the main emphasis of the impact in this exercise will be on hamstrings.

How to perform the exercise correctly: deadlift on straight legs?

  1. Stand on a raised platform (pedestal, step, ledge, stand) approximately 30-40 centimeters high.
  2. Grab the barbell with a different grip (one hand - grab, the other hand - grab) approximately shoulder-width apart.
  3. We start the exercise from a vertical position.
  4. Inhaling slowly and bending at the waist, lean forward, trying to touch the arches of your feet with the barbell.
  5. Next, exhaling, we straighten up to the original starting position.
  6. The most important point of the entire exercise is not to bend your legs at the knee joint!

This exercise is extremely effective and gives a very noticeable progressive effect. Experts recommend doing deadlift with straight legs in quantity - at least ten repetitions per set.

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