Hypermastia (Pleomastia), Polymastia (Polymastid)

Hypermastia (Pleomastia) and polymastia (Polymastid) are medical terms that describe the presence of extra mammary glands or nipples in a person. This condition is a type of abnormal development of the mammary glands and can manifest itself in various forms and degrees of severity.

Typically, hypermastia and polymastia appear symmetrically and are located along the midclavicular (nipple) line, which is drawn vertically through the middle of the clavicles. Additional breasts or nipples can appear anywhere along this line, from the breasts to the abdominal area.

Hypermastia and polymastia can manifest themselves in different degrees of severity. In some cases, there may be just a small extra mammary gland or nipple, which can easily be confused with a normal growing wart. In other cases, one can observe full-fledged mammary glands with a pronounced mammary system.

The causes of hypermastia and polymastia are not fully understood. Some studies indicate the possibility of a genetic predisposition to this condition. However, in most cases the cause remains unknown.

Hypermastia and polymastia can cause a variety of physical and emotional problems for those who suffer from this condition. Physical problems may include discomfort, soreness, misalignment of the breasts and nipples, and problems with fitting underwear. Emotional problems may arise from feelings of shame, low self-esteem or social isolation.

Treatment of hypermastia and polymastia depends on the individual circumstances and wishes of the patient. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove additional breasts or nipples. However, treatment is not always necessary, especially if the condition does not cause physical or emotional problems.

In conclusion, hypermastia and polymastia represent the presence of extra mammary glands or nipples in a person. This condition can have varying manifestations and degrees of severity. Treatment depends on individual circumstances and may or may not involve surgery.

Hypermastia and polymastia are pathologies associated with the development of accessory elements of the mammary glands and are often accompanied by their excessive growth or imbalance in location. These phenomena are widespread among people of all ages, nations and genders. Hypermastia most often occurs against the background of endogenously caused hyperandrogenism (increased levels of androgens in the body). Also, the causes of its development may include diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, central nervous system and thyroid gland. Polymastia in women is diagnosed at the age of about 35 years, and 3% of men also experience this phenomenon. The development of hypermastia and polymastia depends on the hormonal background of a person. In adolescence and adolescence, their occurrence is usually caused by sex hormones. Carriers of the genetic disease Kallmann syndrome are more susceptible to hypermastia. In addition, hypermastia can be provoked by certain medications (antidepressants) and chemicals. Among the most typical symptoms of hypermastia are an increase in the overall size of the breasts compared to its average size in the opposite sex, the appearance of asymmetry in the size of the nipples, their severe soreness, as well as their intense blood supply. Often with hypermastia, voluminous neoplasms (cysts, lipomas, fibromas) are formed. Polymastia in women is the development of double, triple, and so on mammary glands, and usually there is also bifurcation into two or more nipples or the complete absence of one of them. It is generally accepted that female hypermastia is diagnosed in approximately every second representative of the fairer sex. At the time of diagnosis of the disease, patients are usually of reproductive age, their height is about 150 cm, their weight is no more than 60 kg, most often it ranges from 40-70 kg. Male polymastia is diagnosed in only 1.5% of cases. Patients in adulthood may complain of having two nipples from birth or duplication of one of the mammary organs. The ratio of patients with hypermastia and polymastia for men is 1 to 800, for women – 1 to 2-6.