Hypersexuality Puberty

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Introductory part

Puberty is an important stage in the life of every teenager. It is characterized by physical and emotional changes associated with puberty. One of the important aspects of this period is hypersexuality, that is, increased interest and involvement in sexual relations.

Hypersexuality is a phenomenon in which sexual intercourse and fantasies become obsessive and interfere with the normal life of a teenager. Such conditions can cause severe depression, anxiety and other psychological problems.

To understand the nature of hypersexuality, it is necessary to consider the features of the development of puberty and its impact on adolescents. In addition, it is important to understand what factors can trigger the appearance of hypersexual thoughts and what methods exist to combat this problem.

Physiology of puberty

As testosterone levels increase, a teenager experiences changes in his body during puberty, including the growth and development of the genital organs. This happens under the influence of hormones. Thus, approximately 80% of boys at puberty begin to have wet dreams - the involuntary release of sperm from the urethra during sleep.

However, some teenagers experience other manifestations of puberty besides wet dreams. Some boys experience frequent erections even during the day, which can lead to poor sleep quality and other health problems. These

Hypersexuality Puberty

Hypersexuality is a pathological tendency towards sexual expression, which can cause significant problems in a person’s personal and social life. In the case of pubertal hypersexuality, young people may experience fixations on sexual and erotic impressions, uncontrolled erections, frequent emissions and other sexual dysfunctions.

The physical form of hypersexuality can manifest itself in completely different ways. While some people may experience spontaneous erections at any time of the day or night, others face more serious problems. In many cases, this may be a complex of psychogenic, behavioral and psychological factors that are associated with the characteristics of the individual and the environment.

One of the common variants of hypersexuality is hypermasculinity. Its sign is an exaggerated desire to be courageous and strong, a manifestation of brute force and violence. Hypomasculine people show the opposite tendency: attention is focused on weakness, femininity and feminine properties.

How does hypersexuality affect social life? Most people who suffer from hypersexual impulses experience a lot of stress about their sexual performance. This can cause problems at work, difficulties in relationships with others and even in the family. Some people may also end up in prison or face mental health problems because of their behavior.

In general, hypersexuality leads to a person spending a lot of time and energy on achieving satisfaction, when he should be devoting time to his work, study and other important areas of life. It is important to note that hypersexual activity does not always require physical stimulation. It can also occur without sexual contact.

Correction of hypersexual disorder: - Consulting specialists - clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, sexologists for advice and recommendations. - Psychotherapy, physical activity - exercise, yoga, running,