
Hypertrichosis is a condition in which hair stops growing or grows very slowly. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including genetic disorders, hormonal changes, infections, injuries and other diseases. In this article we will look at hypertrichosis in more detail.

Causes of hypertrichosis The main cause of hypertrichosis is an imbalance in the hormonal system. This can occur as a result of genetic mutations, hereditary factors, diseases of the endocrine system, or taking certain medications. However, some studies also point to the role of the environment in the development of hypertrichosis.

Depending on the cause, hypertrichosis may be

Hypertrichosis is a skin disease characterized by increased hair growth in certain parts of the body, which can be either temporary or chronic. Hypertrichosis can affect various areas of the body, including the face, ears, chest, back, arms, legs, and even scalp hair. Rarely, hypertrichosis can manifest itself in the form of complete or partial baldness. Hypertrichosis is usually caused by various genetic disorders, endocrine problems, nervous system disorders and other reasons. This condition leads to various manifestations, ranging from cosmetic defects to serious health problems. In this article we will look at hypertrichosis, its causes, symptoms and treatment methods.

Hypertrichosis Hypertrichosis is a disease in which a person experiences increased hair growth on any part of the body or head. Those areas of the skin on which unwanted vegetation appears greatly spoil the patient’s appearance and cause discomfort. Hypertrichosis is believed to be