
Hypochlorgia is a disease in which a person produces little hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This leads to decreased gastric secretion and indigestion. This problem can occur in people of all ages, but hypochilia most often occurs in old age.

Symptoms of hypochlorgia include loss of appetite, vomiting and heartburn. A person may experience bloating, heaviness and pain in the upper stomach. Not all people suffering from hypocochilia experience these symptoms. In some cases, the disease may be asymptomatic. Due to the fact that the body does not produce a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid, the stomach cannot absorb nutrients, thereby causing metabolic disorders. Gastric juice is also responsible for the breakdown of food and the absorption of proteins, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. If the intestinal walls do not absorb these substances, then indigestion occurs and toxins accumulate in the blood.

What measures need to be taken

Hypochlorgia is a syndrome that occurs due to a decrease in the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. This leads to disruption of the normal digestion process. In this case, intestinal and stomach disorders may occur, which can lead to significant deterioration in health. In this article we will look at the causes of hypochlorgia, its symptoms and treatment methods.

1. The causes of hypochlorhydra occur in both children and adults. However, most often this disease occurs in people with a genetic predisposition. For others, this is a temporary condition after suffering stress. The most common causes of hypochlorhydia are severe infections, surgery, or severe burns. Also, hypochlorhydria can occur due to a lack of hydrochloric acid in the body.

2. Symptoms Hypochidria manifests itself in different ways in both children and adults. In children, it occurs as a result of insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, however, it can sometimes be triggered by hereditary factors. As a result of hypochidria, children become pale, prone to intestinal disorders, loss of appetite is felt, and in some cases muscle activity decreases. The skin becomes dry, nails become brittle. It also happens that hypochidria can occur unnoticed, especially if the pH of the stomach is 0.9. But over time, such hidden symptoms make themselves felt, the child suffers from malnutrition, increased fatigue, nervousness and frequent colds. As the child grows, the manifestations of hypoxia will begin to weaken. In adults, hypochlorgia occurs due to various factors, such as heavy metal poisoning and drug overdose. If this is not stopped, then liver failure and liver dystrophy may develop. They will be manifested by such symptoms as: yellowness of the sclera, bitterness in the mouth, chronic pancreatitis, adynamia, malaise, menstrual irregularities, etc. When hypochlorgia reaches the third degree, dehydration may gradually develop, which is manifested by severe thirst and constant urination. 3. Diagnostics To confirm the presence of hypochloria, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies: radiography of the stomach, gastroscopy, pH-metry of the stomach, histology of the mucous membrane, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, coprogram, breath test for Helicobacter pylori. 4. Treatment Treatment of hyposulfidria should be comprehensive and carried out under the supervision of a physician. It includes taking medications, diet