
Hypomnesia (hypomnesia; Greek ὑπό - under, below + μνήμη - memory) is a memory disorder characterized by impaired ability to store, retain or reproduce information for a certain period of time. At the same time, the ability to learn, think and understand information remains unchanged.

Hypomnesia can manifest itself in various forms. For example, a person may have difficulty remembering new information, recalling already known information, or recalling past events. The ability to remember names, dates, numbers and other details may also be impaired.

The causes of hypomnesia can be different. For example, it can be caused by diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and depression. Hypomnesia can also be caused by various brain injuries, intoxications, infections and other diseases.

Various methods are used to treat hypomnesia, including drug therapy, psychotherapy, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. In some cases, hospitalization and surgery may be required.

Hypomnesia is a memory disorder in which a person has difficulty remembering new information and recently experienced events. They may have difficulty solving simple math problems or remembering the correct word for a certain subject. Hypomnesia is quite common in older people, but recently