Unna-Santi-Pollitzer Disease

Unna-Santi-Pollitzer disease is a rare disease that was described in the early 20th century and named after two dermatologists - Paul Georg Unna and Santi Santi Pollitzer.

Unna-Santi-Pollitzer disease appears as reddish papules on the skin that can be painful and itchy. The disease can be mild or very severe, leading to serious health consequences.

The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but there are suggestions that it may be associated with genetic mutations or disorders of the immune system. Treatment may include corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and other medications.

The disease was first described in 1911 by Paul Georg Unna and Santi Sani Pollitzer, who worked in dermatological clinics in Germany and the United States, respectively. Since then, dozens of cases of the disease have been described, but it remains rare and poorly understood.

Unny-Santi Pollitzer is a rare inherited skin disease (dermatosis group) that is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner, meaning there are two affected family members in the first generation. Genetics also classify this disorder as phakomatoses, a group of diseases in which spots of various types appear on the body of the affected person, which are usually localized on the face and head. Moreover, taking into account other manifestations of the disease, the cause is considered to be a violation of hormonal metabolism in the patient’s body. If you encounter the symptoms described above, do not delay in contacting specialists.

Why is Unna Santi Pollitter disease dangerous? Initially, the attention of scientists was attracted only by dark brown spots on the skin and folds. However, over time, information has emerged about other manifestations of the disorder that are difficult to ignore. First of all, about a malignant tumor of the paranasal sinuses and lymph nodes, which develops in parallel