Hyposensitization 2

It is difficult for a hyposensibi or an allergist to understand the fact that a person understands the essence of allergies. And this is true. It is necessary to understand the nature of allergies in more detail. This phenomenon has not been fully studied by doctors and scientists, because there is still no clear idea of ​​what role the allergen - the release of histamine and antiallergic drugs - play in this process. Some people can easily tolerate half a liter of cow's milk. Why? There are many reasons, here is one of them: the body does not contain antibodies to perceive milk protein. When milk enters the human intestines, antibodies - histamines, proteins, etc. come into contact with milk protein molecules, thus provoking the development of an allergic reaction. Here is the answer to the question about hyposensib, how it affects allergies. Of course, it is not possible to completely get rid of allergic activity, but it is definitely possible to reduce the manifestations of the disease. How?

The key to success in improving the body’s immune status

- strengthen the body's defenses; - exclude products that cause an allergic reaction;


Hyposesensitization 2 is a decrease in sensitivity, in other words, a decrease and suppression of the body’s immune response to an external irritant (allergen). It will be much easier to understand what hyposensitization is if you have at least the slightest idea of ​​how to properly develop your immune system. In any case, an increase in the amount of histamine in a person’s blood develops due to an allergic reaction, which means an inflammatory reaction is formed, because histamine is responsible for it. This is how allergy symptoms are formed: skin itching, runny nose, cough, hives, and swelling can lead to blocking the functioning of internal organs (heart, lungs, brain). To neutralize histamine, drugs are used that release special hormones in the body, as a result of which the formation of an allergic reaction becomes impossible. To increase the level of histamine, special, harmless eye drops are used, which can stop the development and symptoms of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and dermatitis. Inflammatory reactions most often manifest themselves as headaches or their intensification during contact with the allergen. This is most likely due to a decrease in pressure in the body, caused by the body's response to the stimulus. For example, a sharp itch occurs after eating citrus fruits, blood pressure immediately rises, the pulse quickens, blood vessels dilate, the functioning of the heart changes, a rash or redness appears on the skin. It must be remembered that the occurrence of allergic reactions occurs almost instantly if a person does not immediately remove the source of the allergen, thereby destroying himself from the inside. Taking special allergy medications reduces the frequency of its occurrence to approximately 98%, but from time to time the human body can still be exposed to pathogenic substances that contribute to the development of allergic reactions. This occurs as a result of the fact that the body itself sometimes malfunctions, almost constantly being under tension. To relieve tension, you need to take special natural medications (for example, Edas-108), which, as a rule, normalize the functioning of the immune system and prevent the occurrence of symptoms of an allergic disease.