His Triangular Fold

His triangular fold - (w.his, 1863-1934), German anatomist.

His triangular fold is an anatomical structure in the human body, which is located in the larynx and is a fold of the mucous membrane. It is formed from the mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the larynx and has a triangular shape.

This fold is important for breathing, as it is involved in the formation of the vocal cords and regulates their movement. In addition, it is also involved in the formation of the laryngeal reflex, which controls the functioning of the vocal cords.

His discovery of the triangular fold occurred in the middle of the 19th century, when the German anatomist Wilhelm Egorovich His (1863–1934) described it in his works. He also studied its functions and effects on human health.

Since then, the study of the triangular fold of His has continued, and it is now known that it plays an important role in the human body and may be associated with various diseases. For example, a change in its shape or size can lead to disruption of the vocal cords, which can lead to various diseases of the larynx.

Hysa Georg - one of the most famous European anatomists, the founder of the German-Baltic direction in the dissection of organs and systems of the human body for educational medical purposes, developed the variety of directions that are so characteristic of the German anatomical school, based on the classical Roman heritage.

Gisa was an original natural scientist, dreamed of a synthesis of knowledge for the benefit of the cause, sought unity in scientific language, generalization of data from scientific medicine, taking into account the wealth of modern science and life. The mastery of natural historical materials and issues of the subject of human nature for medical purposes has become true