Glans Penis

The glans penis, or urethral head (lat. glans penis), is the foreskin of the penis in men, or the prepuce in women; lobules located around the external opening of the urethra and designed to protect both men and women. In a narrow sense, the concept of “head” sometimes refers only to that part of the organ that forms a protrusion from the skin and contains the head of the urethra in men; in a broad sense - also includes the foreskin and the part of the shaft of the penis ending in the coronary groove or body of the penis.

The term glans comes from the Latin. glandula - gland, due to the abundance of veins passing at the base of the male genital organ. The head has its own outer skin layer - folds of the mucous membrane - skin glands that secrete smegma. Women have a vulvar groove (labium minus), dividing the labia majora (labium priae) into upper and lower. This makes it possible to separate pre- and