Glomerulonephritis Chronic

Glomerulonephritis Chronic

Glomerulonephritis is a group of diseases associated with damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys. It is usually the result of infection with viruses such as hepatitis B or C, or bacteria such as streptococci. However, it can also be a hereditary disease that is passed on from parents to children. The main role in the development of glomerulonephritis is played by immune cells - globulocytes (lymphocytes, neutrophils). They can accumulate in the glomeruli and cause inflammation. This process is accompanied by a violation of the filtration and urinary functions of the kidneys. Classifications of glomerulopathies: hereditary and acquired diseases. You can also distinguish infectious, toxic, genetic and immunological types. Hereditary glomerulonephritis is accompanied by damage to the entire system. It manifests itself at any stage of a person’s life. The acquired form of glomerulonephropathy occurs in every second patient. The disease can develop due to infectious pathologies of the kidneys, diabetes, injuries, poisoning or during kidney surgery. The lesion occurs when blood circulation in the pulmonary circulation is impaired.

**Glomerulonephritis** is a disease of the pyelocaliceal system, the pathogenesis of which involves the immune mechanism and the vessels of the renal glomeruli. Intratubular hypertension of affected glomerular capillaries causes an inflammatory process in Bowman's capsule. The development of arterial hypertension, which may be initiated by nephroangiosclerosis, is the main link in the progression of the disease