Purulent Sheath

Purulent membranes are protective capsules that surround bacterial infections in the human body. They consist of pus, a mixture of living and dead bacteria, white blood cells and other components of the immune system.

Purulent membranes play an important role in the process of fighting infection. First, they help protect healthy tissue from bacteria by

A purulent membrane is a mucous film that forms on the surface of a wound or ulcer. It consists of pus, bacteria and dead tissue. The purulent membrane does not have clear boundaries and can spread over the entire surface of the wound. This can lead to infection of surrounding tissues and inflammation. The formation of a purulent membrane is the body’s protective reaction to infection. It helps protect the wound from further spread of bacteria. However, the formation of pus can also interfere with wound healing and cause pain for the patient.

The purulent membrane can be removed surgically. To do this, the doctor must cut the purulent membrane and remove all painful tissue. After this, the wound will be washed with an antiseptic solution to kill any remaining bacteria.

The formation of purulent membranes can occur in both children and adults. This happens especially often in the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis or arterial hypertension. This may also be due to poor circulation in the tissues or damage to blood vessels.