Hunger called bulimus

Bulimus is a disease called “cow” hunger. In most cases, it is preceded by “dog” hunger, after which the appetite completely disappears, but sometimes appetite disappears not after “dog” hunger, but completely disappears from the very beginning. Bulimus is the fasting of organs while the stomach is full. The organs are very hungry and need food, but food is disgusting to the stomach; this often leads to fainting. During bulimus, the vessels are empty, but the stomach does not want food and feels aversion to it; This often happens to people who travel in cold weather and feel cold, whose stomach becomes hard from extreme cold. The reason here is a disorder of nature, which kills the feeling power and the attracting power.

Sometimes this occurs from juices that coat the mouth of the stomach, dissolve nutrients and spread into the fibers. They stimulate the fibers to expel nutrients and retard their attraction, you will recognize the signs of this from what has been re-taught to you and mentioned in the Canon.

Treatment. It consists of treating complete loss of appetite. In general, such patients should be given to smell foods that stimulate the appetite and open the mouths of blood vessels, as well as fragrant fruits and incense with a somewhat astringent property, which collect strength and do not dissipate. They are also fed bread soaked in fragrant wine, and they are given fragrant nabiz to drink, in gulps or sips. This especially helps if you add camphor to the ibiz when the nature is hot, or aloe and sukkah if the nature is different. Wine from iris is also useful for them, if the cause of the disease is not heat, such patients should tightly bandage their arms and legs and not allow them to sleep, and when they are dozing, cause them pain with injections, pinches and blows with thin, soft rods to make it hurt, but do not cause injury. This is done if the cause is not heat.

Here is one of the remedies that is useful for them. They take it, soak it in maysusan or in fragrant fragrant medicines for sprinkling and apply it to the stomach area as a bandage, especially if the patient is fainting; Poultices are also made from these substances in combination with fragrant patches, for example, pine patch and butcher's broom patch. Sometimes it also helps to apply bandages on the stomach area made from fragrant heart medicines, fumigation with amber incense and applying bandages to the joints prepared with rose water, myrtle juice, maysusanim, camphor, musk, saffron, aloe, sukkah and roses. If the cause of the disease is cold, then measures are taken to warm the body, but if the cause is warmth, then it is cooled. If patients faint, they are treated as stated in the paragraph on fainting; They splash cold water in their faces, bandage their arms and legs, prick their heels, pull their hair and ears, and when they wake up, they are given bread soaked in fragrant wine to eat. If they have juice in their stomach,   bile or liquid, they are given to drink two spoons of sikanjubin with misqalim iyaraja or with a smaller amount of it if the patient is weak. If there is excessive coldness, give teryak, shajazaniyu, dahamarsa, medicinal porridge ustumahikun and juvarishn from various seeds to drink.