
I can help you write an article about homoplasy. The article can tell you what homoplasy is, what types of homoplasy exist, and how these phenomena are used in medicine and science. You can start with an introduction where you can explain the terms and give a brief overview of the topic, and then move on to the main part,

Homoplasia homo... (Greek homos, “homogeneous” - basis) (from Greek - “identical”) is a type of structural or fluctuating correspondence in the embryogenesis of individual parts of the body, when identical rudiments acquire the same shape during the process of embryogenesis.

The homoplastic nature of the structure of many animals and plants has been repeatedly proven by paleontological studies, which have not revealed significant differences in the structure of animals of various types. At the same time, many teratological studies show the possibility of significant changes in the rudiments during embryonic development, especially with anoma