Infectious Diseases Hospital for Patients with Particularly Dangerous Infections (Igooi)

The Infectious Diseases Hospital for Patients with Particularly Dangerous Infections (IGOOI) is a specialized institution for the isolation and treatment of patients suffering from dangerous infectious diseases. One of the main tasks of this hospital is to isolate and control the spread of infectious diseases that can harm the health of others and pose a danger to society as a whole. Such a hospital can be used both to combat epidemics and control outbreaks of infectious diseases, and for the systematic treatment of patients with dangerous infections in a hospital setting. This hospital, as a rule, does not accept ordinary patients and is used only for urgent hospitalization and the treatment of special categories of patients, such as

“Infectious diseases hospital for patients with especially dangerous infections” is one of the most specialized medical institutions created for the isolation, treatment and implementation of isolation and quarantine measures for patients with especially dangerous infections, as well as for the prevention and prevention of the spread of the disease.

"Igoi" is the only medical institution created in the city of N for this type of work; employees undergo special training and have sufficient experience in this area. The hospital has created a special infrastructure to ensure the safety of patients and staff. The entire room is under the control of video cameras and radio communications; special devices are installed inside the building to ensure safety in the event of any possible outbreaks. There are rooms for emergency medical care, a laboratory for testing, etc. Equipment and medical facilities are constantly updated to provide patients and hospital workers with the best conditions for treatment. Inside the department itself there are wards with a separate isolation tent for patients infected with a particularly dangerous infection. This makes it possible to isolate patients and prevent the spread of infection indoors. Medical personnel show the highest level of professionalism, respect and care for each patient, are able to work effectively in difficult conditions and competently use methods of diagnosing and treating diseases. In general, the creation of such a hospital serves the main purpose of creating an additional platform for combating particularly dangerous infectious diseases and

**Infectious diseases hospital for patients** **with especially dangerous infections** This specialized hospital is a medical institution that deals with the isolation and treatment of patients with especially dangerous diseases, as well as isolation and quarantine measures in epidemiological foci and activities for patients with chronic viral hepatitis. It treats patients diagnosed with hepatitis (from A to D), HIV infection and other rare diseases.

This hospital treats people whose illness is due to specific circumstances. The diseases of such people are limited to a certain area and occur unevenly. Among them there may also be various diseases caused by zoonoses in persons with a special type of activity: medical workers and people working with animals. Moreover, they can occur in people whose profession is at high risk of contracting previously unknown infectious diseases. In addition, this disease can appear in refugees, dissidents, prisoners or immigrants due to their unusual living conditions (poor sanitation, poor nutrition, etc.). A specialized hospital for infectious diseases is intended for a complete examination and provision of necessary assistance to patients in the acute period of the disease, because for treatment and rehabilitation the patient usually undergoes a long course of treatment. This hospital is a specialized medical institution that is intended exclusively for the treatment of specific diseases and other dangerous infectious diseases. The main goal of a medical institution is the maximum restoration of the patient, his organs and systems, using the most