
Granules are a type of medicine that are solid, powdery, or granular substances intended to be taken orally. They may contain various active ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbal extracts, etc.

Granulated products have a number of advantages over other types of medications. Firstly, they ensure faster and more efficient absorption of active ingredients into the body, which allows for faster achievement of a therapeutic effect. Secondly, granular preparations can have a pleasant taste and aroma, making them easier for patients to take.

However, there are certain limitations when using granular products. For example, they may be less effective when taken by children and the elderly, or by patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Also, some granular products may cause allergic reactions, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Overall, granular medications are an effective and convenient way to deliver active ingredients to the body. However, before using them, you should always consult with your doctor and follow the instructions for use.

Granulo- and granulates are two different chemical groups.

In the first case, granules are some rather large pieces of a homogeneous chemical substance that are made from crushed substances (i.e., the substance whose particles are larger in size than necessary for its state in another aggregate form or under other environmental conditions), in this case, it is necessary to remove excess substances) and have external homogeneity. May consist of one, several or all constituent substances: - Elementary Granule - Granules consisting of homogeneous simple substances or one complex substance. For example, bricks are made from siltstone, cement is made from various rocks, pebbles are used as decorative stones, etc. - Agglomerate Granule - Granules from two or three different ingredients, but during production they can be melted and acquire a homogeneous chemical composition. Basically these are substances with a very high specific density (usually on the order of 5.0) so as to reduce the overall mass and weight of the object. For example, metal products or metal products. - Battery is a device consisting of individual chemical sources,