Hernia of tendon bridges

Hernia of Tendon Jumpers: causes, symptoms and treatment

A herniated tendon bridge (HJH) is a condition in which internal organs protrude from the abdominal cavity through a weak spot in the linea alba where the tendon bridges adhere to the linea alba. The hernial opening is located on the side of the linea alba.

Reasons for the development of SHGs

GSP can develop in anyone, regardless of age or gender. However, some people are at higher risk of developing GSP than others. These risk factors include:

  1. Frequent lifting of heavy objects;
  2. Obesity;
  3. Pregnancy;
  4. Surgical operations on the abdominal cavity;
  5. Chronic cough or difficulty breathing.

Symptoms of SHG

Symptoms of SHG can range from mild to severe. Some people may have no symptoms, while others may have very obvious symptoms. The most common symptoms of GSP include:

  1. Protrusion of tissue in the area of ​​the white line of the abdomen;
  2. Unpleasant sensations or pain in the hernia area;
  3. Feeling of pressure in the hernia area;
  4. A feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​the hernia.

Treatment of SHG

Treatment of GSP can be surgical or conservative. For mild symptoms, your doctor may recommend non-surgical treatments, such as wearing an abdominal support belt, lifestyle and diet changes, and avoiding exercise.

However, if the symptoms of GSP interfere with daily life, surgical treatment may be recommended. Surgical treatment of GSP includes closing the hernial opening and strengthening the abdominal wall.

In conclusion, Band of Tendon Hernia is a condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the linea alba area. Early consultation with a doctor and proper treatment can prevent the development of complications and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Hernia of tendon septa is a pathological condition that is characterized by protrusion of internal organs through holes in the tendon septa. Hernias of the tendon septa of the linea alba are the most common and cause pain, discomfort, inconvenience and, in rare cases, life-threatening.

Tendon herniation in the linea alba area can be caused by several reasons. These include congenital or acquired weaknesses of the connective tissue, as well as injury, excessive tension in the abdominal wall, inflammation or excessive physical activity. In some cases, a hernia can occur due to back problems, such as scoliosis or spinal deformity.

To determine the presence of a herniated tendon of the white line