Weapons of Mass Destruction

Means of mass destruction.

Weapons of mass destruction are the most important means of war, weapons of mass murder. First of all, they are intended to neutralize the enemy by destroying his main forces and structural control system. Despite the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world, chemical and bacteriological equipment are the most effective options. They have a long period of action, even if they are not

**Means of mass destruction:** essence, objectives, tactics of use.

Description of the issue: Topic: Weapons of mass destruction

The world is currently experiencing events that call into question the state of peaceful life. Some states, unfortunately, are trying to use different forms of struggle for their benefit and dominance. For this purpose, means of mass destruction were created; these tools became an important tool in the hands of the leadership to achieve their goals. Weapons of mass destruction can be considered those that are capable of causing significant damage to humanity, manpower and equipment. Means of mass destruction include nuclear missiles, bacteriological and biological weapons and chemical weapons. All of them can cause large numbers of deaths, which is especially important today when peacekeepers must work in places where security has been compromised and where weapons of mass destruction are possible. The use of mass destruction is one of the most effective means of deterrence. Today this applies to many states such as Syria, Yemen, Libya and other states. However, a modern state should strive to minimize such weapons, since they only bring death and do not provide power. It is necessary for citizens to show empathy for the victims of wars who have been subjected to such weapons. The origins of mass weapons have deep roots. Since ancient times, people have been in conflict with each other, and the reasons for these conflicts were purely material. People were looking for various opportunities to protect the territory, everything was heading towards war. Every war often involves the use of means of mass destruction. Thanks to the development of scientific and technological progress, people realized that if they use nuclear and other types of weapons, they will destroy not only the enemy and themselves. Therefore, the realization that these dangerous weapons must be preserved for military operations forced the introduction of norms into the legislation of some states, according to which it was impossible to acquire and store weapons of mass attack. But despite this, these types of weapons are a huge risk, so every person should be aware of their participation in the creation of this type of weapon. After all, such means can be used by the enemy during war, and then mass death will occur. I want to draw attention to the problem of mass destruction and outline all possible ways to solve this problem. I believe that weapons of mass production should be banned and never used again