Asthenic attitude

Habitus Asthenicus: causes, symptoms and treatment

Habitus asthenicus is a combination of an asthenic physique with general physical weakness and pallor of the skin. This condition may be a sign of prolonged infectious intoxication or a predisposition to infectious and neuropsychiatric diseases.

Causes of Habitus Asthenicus

Habitus asthenicus can be caused by various reasons. One of the most common is long-term infectious intoxication. For example, tuberculosis and pyelonephritis can cause a similar condition. Neuropsychiatric diseases can also be a cause of Habitus Asthenicus.

Additionally, genetic factors may play a role in the development of this condition. Some people may be predisposed to an asthenic physique and physical weakness due to their genetic inheritance.

Symptoms of Habitus Asthenicus

The main symptom of Habitus Asthenicus is an asthenic physique, which is characterized by a thin figure, narrow shoulders and pelvis, long limbs and weak muscles. The skin may be pale, and the face may be narrow and sharp.

In addition, people with Habitus Asthenicus may experience general physical weakness, fatigue, and frequent headaches. They may also suffer from nervous disorders and other mental problems.

Treatment of Habitus Asthenicus

Treatment for Habitus Asthenicus depends on the cause of the condition. If this is caused by infectious intoxication, then treatment of this infection is necessary. Neuropsychiatric problems must also be addressed accordingly.

If Habitus Asthenicus is caused by genetic factors, treatment may be aimed at improving the general condition of the patient. This may include lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet and regular exercise, as well as taking medications to strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.

In conclusion, Habitus Asthenicus is a condition that is characterized by an asthenic physique and physical weakness. This may be a sign of prolonged infectious intoxication or a predisposition to infectious and neuropsychiatric diseases. Treatment depends on the cause of the condition and may include lifestyle changes, medications, and treatment of the underlying condition.

Habitus asthenicus

Habitus astenicus is a classic type of asthenic body build. The main feature is thinness and pale skin color, which is caused by a lack of nutrients and excess lactate in the blood. There is also general physical weakness and increased fatigue, which can be a sign of various diseases. It is important to identify these signs in time and consult a doctor.

Asthenic physique is the result of disturbances in the functioning of internal secretion during intrauterine