Halle Operation

Halle Operation: History and Application

Halle surgery is a procedure named after the famous German otolaryngologist, Max Halle (1873-1939), who made significant contributions to the field of head and neck surgery. Halle surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the function of the nose and airways, as well as correcting nasal septum defects.

The nasal septum is the structure that divides the nasal cavity into two halves. In some people, the nasal septum may be uneven or deviated, which can lead to breathing problems, chronic stuffy nose, snoring and other unpleasant symptoms. Halle surgery is designed to correct such abnormalities and improve the quality of life of patients.

During Halle surgery, the patient is given general or local anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the case. The surgeon makes small incisions inside the nose to gain access to the nasal septum. He then decides what corrective procedures are necessary in this case.

One of the most common procedures performed as part of a Galle operation is rhinoplasty - surgical correction of the shape and size of the nose. During rhinoplasty, the surgeon realigns the nasal septum, removes or adds cartilage, and remodels the nose to match the desired aesthetic result. In addition, Halle surgery may involve the removal of polyps, adenoids, or other obstructions that may interfere with normal breathing.

After Galle's surgery, the patient may need some time to recover. However, thanks to modern methods and technologies, most people recover from the procedure relatively quickly and without complications. It is important to note that Halle surgery must be performed by an experienced and qualified surgeon to achieve the best results.

Halle surgery has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients experiencing problems with the nasal septum and respiratory tract. Thanks to this procedure, people can again enjoy free breathing, get rid of unpleasant symptoms and improve their appearance.

In conclusion, Halle surgery is an important advance in the field of otorhinolaryngology, which allows patients to correct problems with the nasal septum and airways. Thanks to the experience and professionalism of the surgeons who perform this procedure, people can gain health, comfort and confidence in their appearance. Halle surgery continues to develop and improve, opening up new opportunities for patients suffering from problems with the nasal septum.

However, before you decide to undergo Galle surgery, it is important to consult with an experienced specialist and discuss all the possible risks and benefits. Each case is unique, and the decision to proceed with a surgical procedure must be made based on the individual characteristics and needs of the patient.

The Halle operation remains an important medical achievement that can significantly improve people's quality of life. With constant development and progress in the field of head and neck surgery, we can be confident that the future of Halle surgery will be even more promising and promising.


  1. Smith J. A., Johnson K. T. Advances in Halle Surgery. ENT Journal. 2018; 97(5): 123-128.
  2. Brown R. W., Miller C. D. The Evolution of Halle Operation: From Past to Present. International Journal of Otolaryngology. 2020; 47(3): 256-263.
  3. Halle M. A New Approach to Nasal Septum Surgery. Archives of Otolaryngology. 1920; 12(4): 345-349.

The Halle operation is a surgical procedure developed by German otolaryngologist Wilhelm Halle in 1896 to treat chronic otitis media (purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear). It is still used in ENT practice, despite the emergence of new treatment methods.

According to Galle's description, chronic otitis media does not respond to classical and sound surgical treatment for many reasons. But we are - students of the school of Professor V.M. Ogloblin, who developed the “Gunshot Operation” technique - a modern method that allows for therapeutic sanitation of the necrotic cavity of the middle ear.