Hallucinations Polyopic

Hallucination polyopic is a perceptual phenomenon in which a person sees images or images in the environment. This is a condition that occurs due to a malfunction of the visual cortex of the brain or from injury, infection or mental disorders.

Hallucination can be caused by various reasons

Let's talk about polyopic hallucinations.

So, the first thing that needs to be noted is that not only vision, but also hearing, taste, smell, and touch can be considered hallucinations. Of course, there is always a contrast. If there is a smell and taste, then it is the taste of burning, if there is a sound, then it is the grinding of metal. A touch sensation may be present when there is a flash of light. And so on. This is a sign of a more serious illness. The second, important difference is the brightness of objects or items. With a visual hallucination, a person clearly sees moving objects, changes in color, brightness of perception, quantity, etc. It is important to note here that this is why, for example, acoustic hallucinations are distinguished - a person clearly hears noises, speech, and singing of different voices. At the same time, brightness and what is visible to the eye, heart rate, ambient temperature, and other stimuli are unchanged in this case. This is a good sign. We say that as soon as one of these signs appears, it is no longer possible to call it a hallucination. We have a chance for a real diagnosis. By the way, the most powerful hallucinations appear under the influence of very strong experiences. Experiments suggest that this kind of phenomenon occurs as a result of a lack of attention. A strong blow or jolt can trigger their appearance. There are many ways to put a person into a hypnotic trance using certain music or words. But the condition also occurs in completely healthy people - under the influence of bright moments. For example, strong shocks. But, again, this is a variant of the norm, not a disease. Anxiety and excessive excitement can also lead to the appearance of such hallucinations. They will disappear as soon as we calm down. Further, since hallucinations are directly related to the work of our brain, it is worth looking at what its activity is in a healthy and sick state. Normally, it has several operating modes. For example, staying awake with active concentration on matters, tasks, work. Throughout the day we go through several such waves, either concentrating or switching to rest, watching TV, playing, reading a book, etc. The person feels calm and concentrated. There are no hallucinations and cannot be. Disengagement and apathy are also a type of it. We can still periodically disconnect from work, concentrating our attention on something else. Interesting for us. Since our mood is directly related to our thoughts, we get the so-called general state of our nervous system. She is functioning normally and is mentally healthy. But if there is a malfunction in the functioning of the nervous system, then we have