Hantavirus (Hantavirus)

Hantavirus is a member of a group of viruses that infect rats, mice and voles. These viruses can cause disease in humans if secretions or excrement from infected rodents enter the respiratory or digestive tract. The first reports of this disease came from an area located on the banks of the Gangtan River, which separates North and South Korea. After this, data on the presence of infectious diseases caused by hantaviruses were also obtained from Japan, China, Russia, a number of European countries, as well as from the USA.

Hantavirus can cause different symptoms, depending on the strain of the virus that enters the body. For many people, the illness is similar to the flu, but in severe cases the temperature may rise significantly, headache, nausea and vomiting may appear, petechiae form on the skin and shock may develop. Kidney damage may also occur, and if kidney damage develops rapidly, kidney failure may develop. A particularly virulent strain of the virus identified in the United States infects the lungs, causing rapidly progressive respiratory failure. Mortality in severe cases of the disease can be quite high.

Thus, hantavirus is a serious threat to human health. Therefore, it is important to take precautions, especially in areas where cases of the disease have been reported. It is necessary to avoid contact with rodents and their secretions, and also follow the rules of hygiene and food handling. If symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor to receive qualified medical care.

Hantavirus: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hantavirus is a group of viruses that commonly infect rats, mice and voles. However, if the secretions or excrement of these rodents enter the respiratory tract or digestive tract of a person, this can lead to the development of the disease. The first reports of this disease came from an area located on the banks of the Gangtan River, which separates North and South Korea. After this, data on the presence of infectious diseases caused by hantaviruses were also obtained from Japan, China, Russia, a number of European countries, as well as from the USA.

Hantavirus can cause different symptoms, depending on the strain of the virus that enters the body. Most people infected with hantavirus experience flu-like symptoms, which may include fever, headache, muscle aches and general weakness. However, in severe cases, hantavirus can cause rapidly progressive respiratory failure, which can cause death.

There are several types of hantavirus, each of which can cause different forms of disease. Some species can cause kidney damage, and in cases of rapidly progressing kidney damage, kidney failure may develop. Other types of hantavirus can cause lung damage, leading to rapidly progressive respiratory failure.

Various methods are used to diagnose hantavirus, including blood tests, antibody tests and PCR diagnostics. Treatment of the disease includes symptomatic and supportive therapy aimed at improving symptoms and maintaining vital body functions. In severe cases, hospitalization and intensive care may be required.

One of the most effective ways to prevent hantavirus infection is to avoid exposure to rodent secretions and feces. This can be achieved by setting rodent traps, cleaning the premises and maintaining good personal hygiene. If you suspect a hantavirus infection, contact a specialist for advice and diagnosis.