
Sitomania is an incurable passion for nutritious foods. It manifests itself in the love of food, the quality and content of food. Often this hobby develops into an addiction and becomes an obsession or problem that affects a person's life, work and relationships. When forming the habit of trying more and more new foods that come closest to your eye, a person loses control over the amount of food he eats and begins to overeat due to a thirst for intense sensations, not paying attention to his weight and well-being. In most cases, this applies to those people who have had to go through a difficult period in life - stress, the loss of a loved one or financial difficulties associated with rising prices. Careless gastronomic behavior often leads to health problems and can contribute to excess weight gain. Most often, lovers of delicious food suffer - men and women. They periodically do not know when to eat.

It is difficult to recognize the manifestation of sitomania, since it is impossible to accurately determine the norm for a particular person. One person will need a small amount of food, while another will need much more. But absolutely everything is how much to eat. The first thing you can start fighting for is like an addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs - overeating. It is necessary to give up mindless eating and eat according to a clear schedule and a certain amount of food. But even if such strict limits are regularly observed and life has excluded some familiar things, sitomania remains. Often this is no longer


In the modern world, we increasingly hear about such a concept as “situomania”. However, not everyone knows what it is and how it relates to our lives. In this article we will look at what sitiomania is, what consequences it can have, and how you can fight it.

Definition of sitiomania

Situomania is an unhealthy passion for consumption that often leads to overeating and negative health consequences. It manifests itself in a constant mental and physical dependence on food and its options, as well as a desire to have the best and most exclusive food products, despite their high cost.

In addition, sitiomaniacs often strive for the highest standard of living by purchasing expensive goods and services, even if they do not meet their needs and desires. This behavior can lead to financial problems, debt, and loss of control over your life.

In general, sitiomania is a type of behavior in which a person refuses to satisfy his basic needs and desires in favor of the desire to have everything better and newer. This can lead to emotional and physical problems such as depression, digestive problems, obesity and even emotional disorders.

Thus, citymanamia is an overindulgence in food that leads to health problems, psychological problems and financial stress. At the same time, healthy eating behavior allows a person to maintain their physical and psychological well-being, as well as maintain control over their budget.

The situation surrounding the question of whether it is worth welcoming colleagues from Russia who came to work for us to carry out certain amounts of work (or even just work as freelancers) at work forces me to discuss an important topic regarding behavior and ethics in business relations. In particular, I want to look at the question: Should you or shouldn't you greet your colleagues in the office at work? As sociologists say, it is customary for Russians to say hello when entering a room, but immediately sit down at the computer. Therefore, greeting is essentially a universal habit and applies to different situations and circumstances of everyday life. You should not ignore etiquette and greet everyone correctly when you meet in order to strengthen good relations among colleagues in your circle. This will help avoid heated situations and disputes.

However, it is worth noting that everything individually depends on the type of team and its culture. For example, teams can be different in age, social status and interests. You can find a culture that is based on respect for elders and establishing a hierarchy in groups, while other teams are focused on creating a friendly and warm atmosphere.

In any case, greeting and showing respect to colleagues at work is a very important part of our professional image. Moreover, some organizations have established official rules in this regard. It is important to discuss this issue with management and find out what rules are accepted in your company and office. To enhance your advantages in the workplace, you should also know how to greet people properly, and for this you should read some tips from experts and representatives of the culture of society.

I propose to write the following continuation of the article:

It is very important to respect others, but you also need to be able to build boundaries and not cross a person’s personal boundaries in communication. A certain range of personal boundaries should always be set and respected, and if a person lives in accordance with his principles, then they should be maintained. However, do not forget that personal boundaries can be violated for various reasons, for example: by a person who is under stress or experiencing anxiety. When a tense work environment develops, personal safety may be at risk. There are a number of ways to protect yourself from aggression, including avoiding situations that increase your stress levels, remaining calm and composed, and trying not to respond to aggression with aggression. Don’t forget, your colleagues are counting on you if you treat the people around you and your colleagues with respect. In conclusion, it is worth remembering that establishing friendly relationships in the foreground will help you improve your productivity and achieve your goals without paying attention to external stimuli. Imagine all the joys of cooperation, because the ability to show kindness and become more disciplined in a team is one of the tasks of a person’s communicative sphere. Agree that it is much more pleasant to come to work in a good mood every day, rather than in a state of constant tension and suspicion. Get used to working in a warm and supportive atmosphere. Remember, your colleague is the same person as you, even if he is a woman or a man, older or younger than you. He also comes to work with the goal of doing his job and pursuing his professional interests. And by greeting each other and making the workplace welcoming, we contribute to a healthy psychological climate and comfort in our team.