Health thanks to the healing powers of nature

With cataracts, the lens of the eye thickens or becomes cloudy and is unable to focus or transmit light correctly. Causes of this disease include age, diabetes, chronic heavy metal poisoning, radiation exposure, eye injury and the use of certain medications. Senile cataracts occur in people over 65 years of age. The cause of its occurrence, as a rule, is the damaging effect of free radicals on the lens tissue.

The main symptom of cataract development is gradual, painless loss of vision. It is the most common cause of blindness in the world. In some cases, cataracts can cause secondary glaucoma. We also recommend reading tips for prevention of eye lens replacement on the website

Cataract is a serious disease; it is necessary to be observed by a good specialist and follow all his instructions. With severe cataracts, only a doctor can decide whether surgical treatment is necessary.

Biologically active food supplements

Copper and manganese slow down the development of cataracts.

Grape seed extract has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

Glutathione slows the progression of the disease.

*L-lysine is important for the formation of collagen, necessary for the restoration of lens tissue. Neutralizes the effect of viruses that cause damage to the lens. Do not take for more than 6 months in a row.

Pantothenic acid is an anti-stress vitamin.

Selenium destroys free radicals, acting together with vitamin E.

Vitamin A is necessary for normal vision; in addition, natural beta-carotene is taken.

A complex of B vitamins with additional content of vitamin B1, necessary for metabolism in the cells of eye tissue, and vitamin B2, the deficiency of which is often associated with cataracts.

Vitamin C with bioflavonoids has pronounced antioxidant properties and reduces intraocular pressure.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that slows down the development of cataracts.

Zinc protects against damage caused by bright light, use lozenges with zinc gluconate.

Medicinal plants

Blueberry fruit extract is a source of bioflavonoids, which help remove toxic chemical elements from the retina.

Avoid drinking fluoridated and chlorinated water, drink distilled water.

Reduce the amount of dairy products, saturated fats, and processed oils and fats.

Smoking increases the risk of cataracts and accelerates their development.

It has been established that of all sources of vitamin A, carotenoids (spinach) are the most effective for cataracts.