Keep your back

Posture is the habitual position of a child’s body at rest; it is formed by the age of 6-7 years. Normal posture is characterized by a symmetrical arrangement of all parts of the child’s body and moderately pronounced physiological curves of the spine in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.

Good posture can and should be cultivated. Flattening or strengthening of the physiological curves of the spine or violations of symmetry (scoliotic posture, stoop, flat back, flat-concave back, hyperlordosis, etc.) are usually detected in preschool or primary school age. How can you suspect that a child has a poor posture? posture? These include incorrect seating at the table, different levels of shoulder blades and shoulder girdles, distortion of the pelvic bones, protrusion of the abdomen, as well as complaints of headaches, dizziness, spots and darkening in the eyes, poor transport tolerance (with pathology of the cervical spine). Read information about urethral infections

If a child has any of the listed disorders, he must be examined by an orthopedist or undergo an examination with a computer optical topographer, which allows any postural deviations to be identified at the initial stage objectively (in numbers and graphs) and without radiation. Posture disorders are not eliminated in a short time time, but require long-term maintenance treatment on their own at home. The main task of the consultant doctor at the Scoliosis-Diagnostics Medical Center is to teach routine issues to both children and their parents.

The orthopedic regimen includes a regimen of activity and rest, the correct selection of furniture, clothing, shoes for the child, and familiar postures. An important element of the daily routine is sleep. You should sleep in a well-ventilated area, the bed should be flat, semi-rigid with a small and elastic pillow. The position during sleep should be as relaxed as possible, preferably on the back.

There are certain requirements for the organization of the workplace, especially furniture. The height of the chair should be equal to the length of his lower leg, that is, the legs, bent at all joints at right angles, should stand on the floor with their full feet. The child should sit on a hard chair, and its edge should not rest against the popliteal fossa. In addition, it is important that the distance from the eyes of a sitting child to the surface of the table is 30 cm, and between the chest and the table - 2 cm (the palm is edge-on).

A child with poor posture should spend most of his time in motion, in active games on the street or at home, since the “sitting” position is the most unfavorable for the spine. In addition to the orthopedic regimen, Scoliosis-Diagnostics specialists will select an individual complex of physical therapy, perform therapeutic massage and eliminate the cause of poor posture (pelvic misalignment, functional blocks, torso torsion, etc.) using methods of traction of the spine, legs, and elements of soft tissue manual therapy.

Dear parents, grandparents! Monitor your children’s posture and contact a specialist immediately if there are any deviations. Health to you and your children! The material was compiled by specialists from the Scoliosis Diagnostics Center.