Heart Massage

Heart massage

Mechanical impact on the heart after it has stopped in order to restore its activity and maintain continuous blood flow until the heart resumes functioning. Indications for cardiac massage are all cases of cardiac arrest. The heart can stop contracting for a variety of reasons: spasm of the coronary vessels, acute cardiac weakness, myocardial infarction, severe trauma, lightning or electric shock, etc.

Signs of sudden cardiac arrest - loss of consciousness, disappearance of the pulse in the carotid arteries

This is a very dangerous medical manipulation - cardiac massage, the correctness of which there are no guarantees. And the point is not only that such a massage can lead to serious complications such as cardiac arrest. The point is in the very idea of ​​cardiac massage - an attempt to restore blood circulation that has stopped flowing due to the cessation of contraction of the heart muscle. And this idea is wrong! The heart must contract on its own when a person begins to breathe. Cardiac arrest is clinical death. Clinical death does not last long for all people, because modern resuscitation methods make it possible to return a person even from a state of clinical death in a short time. The heart comes back to life quite quickly. This is due to its autoregulatory mechanism,

Cardiac massage is a procedure aimed at restoring blood circulation when it stops or becomes less effective. Such cases occur in various diseases and conditions, for example, during shock, cardiac arrest, in the postoperative period, during drowning, etc. In such cases, the main task is to restore the patient’s airway and prevent complications.