
Hematothorax: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hematothorax is a condition where blood accumulates in the chest cavity, usually as a result of injury to the lungs or chest wall. This is a serious condition that can lead to cardiac and respiratory arrest if not treated promptly. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of hematothorax.

Causes of hematothorax

Hematothorax can be caused by a variety of causes, including chest trauma, sudden changes in barometric pressure, aortic aneurysm, lung cancer, or complications from surgery. Hematothorax can also be a consequence of drug use, which can lead to hemorrhage in the lungs.

Symptoms of hematothorax

The main symptom of hematothorax is chest pain. In this case, the pain can be either sharp and intense or aching and dull. The patient may experience difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, and loss of consciousness. Hemoptysis or bloody expectoration may also occur.

Treatment of hematothorax

Treatment for hematothorax depends on the severity of the condition and the cause of its occurrence. If the hematothorax is caused by trauma, surgery may be required to remove the accumulated blood from the chest cavity. If the hematothorax is caused by lung cancer, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be required. In some cases, a blood transfusion or intravenous fluid infusion may be necessary.

In conclusion, hematothorax is a serious condition that can lead to cardiac and respiratory arrest if not treated promptly. If you suspect hematothorax, you should immediately consult a doctor to receive qualified help.

Hematothorax is the presence of blood in the pleural cavity. Symptoms develop acutely and are characterized by the following manifestations: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat. In some cases, heavy bleeding is observed, provoking hemorrhagic shock. In this case, the hematocrit drops below normal. Pulmonary edema during hemorrhage is high, so progression of ascites is often noted. Patients experience acute pain in the sternum, which radiates to the left shoulder blade, shoulder, neck or lower back. Hemothorax usually occurs spontaneously due to damage to the wall of the pulmonary artery. The reasons for the development of pathology may be associated with cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction), heart defects, hypertension, septic conditions, endocrine disorders, and so on.