Hemorrhagic Diathesis

Hemorrhagic Diathesis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhagic diathesis is a group of diseases that are characterized by increased bleeding. They manifest themselves in the form of hemorrhages on the skin, in the cavity of the joints, bleeding from the nose, gums, uterus, kidneys, as well as prolonged bleeding from small cuts, after tooth extraction, etc. Bleeding and hemorrhage occur due to disruption of blood clotting processes and the permeability of the vascular wall.

Hemorrhagic diathesis is hereditary and usually manifests itself in childhood, such as hemophilia. They can also be acquired and occur at any age, often as complications of other diseases of the hematopoietic system. Increased bleeding may occur as a result of taking certain medications that reduce blood clotting, including anticoagulants, as well as some antipyretic and pain medications, such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

The cause of increased bleeding may also be due to a lack of vitamins, such as ascorbic acid and rutin, which can occur with poor diet. A lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, as well as non-compliance with the rules of culinary processing of food can also lead to increased bleeding.

To diagnose hemorrhagic diathesis, it is necessary to conduct a thorough questioning and examination of the patient by a doctor. Systematic treatment is carried out by a doctor, and in some cases it is necessary to resort to surgery - removal of the spleen. But in case of sudden bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

During first aid, most often with nosebleeds, it is necessary to ensure complete rest, a horizontal position with the head slightly raised, and also apply cold to the bridge of the nose. You can insert a cotton or gauze swab soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into your nose. If the patient is receiving anticoagulant treatment, they should be stopped immediately.

Prevention of hemorrhagic diathesis associated with vitamin deficiency includes a balanced diet with sufficient dietary content of foods rich in ascorbic acid and rutin, as well as proper food preparation. To take in enough ascorbic acid, it is recommended to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, such as potatoes, fresh apples, black currants, rose hips, green onions, lettuce, sorrel, and pine needles. It is important to prepare food properly in order to preserve vitamin C. It is best to cook potatoes “in their jackets” by pouring boiling water over them, because With slow heating, this vitamin is destroyed less.

Rutin is found in buckwheat and citrus fruits, so it is also recommended to eat them. If food products do not contain enough of these vitamins, it is recommended to take pharmaceutical preparations of ascorbic acid and rutin orally on the advice of a doctor.

In general, hemorrhagic diathesis can be caused by various reasons and require careful examination and treatment by a doctor. However, prevention of hemorrhagic diathesis associated with vitamin deficiency can be achieved through proper nutrition, including the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as proper food preparation. It is important to monitor your health and consult a doctor if any unusual symptoms occur.