Herman's Grasping Symptom

Germana Chvatalkin Symptom is one of the manifestations of the symptom of automatisms and personality disorders. This syndrome is characterized by a passion for acquiring new things and collecting without realizing the value and significance of these items for a person. The German Grasping symptom can have varying degrees of severity, ranging from a slight collecting passion to complete dependence on the acquisition and process of accumulating things.

How does Hermann’s grasping symptom manifest?

A person with the Germanic Symptom usually tries to follow certain rules and procedures when acquiring things. He carefully selects and compares different options to find the most suitable one. Often such people experience pleasure from the buying process and anticipation of a new thing.

The features of this behavior can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the age and culture of the person suffering from the German Khvatalkin symptom. In some cases, such as in adulthood, a Person with Herman Symptoms may have a tendency to accumulate large quantities of objects, resulting in their life and surroundings becoming cluttered with things. This may cause problems with storage, disposal or sale of goods. A person may also feel guilty about their collection, force themselves to buy additional items, or use unplanned expenses to cover a group of items.