
Heterophyiasis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Heterophyiasis is a disease caused by invasion of the small intestine by trematodes of the species Hetcrophycs hcterophyes. These parasites can infect humans by eating raw or salted fish containing the larvae of these flukes. Adults can cause a person to experience abdominal pain and diarrhea. However, if the eggs they lay travel to the brain, spinal cord, or heart (via the bloodstream), serious damage to these organs can result.


Heterophyosis is caused by trematodes of the species Hetcrophycs hcterophyes, which parasitize the human small intestine. The larvae of these flukes can be found in raw or salted fish, such as herring, carp, crucian carp, perch and other species.


Symptoms of heterophyosis may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and swollen lymph nodes. However, in some cases the infection may be asymptomatic.

Possible complications

If fluke eggs are laid in the brain, spinal cord, or heart (via the bloodstream), serious damage to these organs can occur. Such complications can be dangerous and require immediate medical attention.


To treat heterophyosis, tetrachloroethylene can be used, which is usually prescribed by injection. This medicine can kill flukes in the intestines and prevent them from reproducing. Also, other anthelmintic drugs such as praziquantel, niclosamide and others can be used.


To prevent infection with heterophyosis, it is necessary to refrain from eating raw or undercooked fish. Fish should be stored at temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius and not consumed for several days after cooking. It is also necessary to properly handle and prepare fish before consumption.

Heterophyosis is an invasion of the small intestine by the parasitic fluke Hectrophyces heterophyes, which can lead to serious illness and even death. Infection occurs by eating raw or salted fish. Adult H. heterophyes can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms. If fluke eggs enter the brain, heart, or spinal cord, they can cause serious damage. Treatment for heterophyosis involves the use of tetrachloroethane, which is usually given by injection. It is important to practice good hygiene and avoid eating raw or untested fish.

Heterophyiasis: A parasitic disease caused by the trematode Heterophytes heterophyes


Heterophyosis, also known as heterophyasis, is an infection of the small intestine caused by the parasitic fluke Heterophytes heterophyes. This disease is usually transmitted through the consumption of raw or salted fish containing the larvae of these parasites. Adult Heterophytes heterophyes live in the human small intestine and can cause a variety of symptoms, including abdominal pain and diarrhea. In some cases, parasite eggs can travel to the brain or spinal cord, or to the heart through the bloodstream, which can lead to serious complications. In this article we will look at the causes of infection, symptoms and treatment methods for heterophyosis.

Causes of infection

The main source of infection with heterophyosis is the consumption of raw or salted fish containing larvae of the trematode Heterophytes heterophyes. Parasitic larvae can be found in the muscles and internal organs of fish, especially in freshwater species such as carp, crucian carp and perch. If the heat treatment is improper or there is insufficient salt, the larvae can remain viable and be transmitted to humans by consuming such fish.


After infection with Heterophytes heterophyes larvae, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Abdominal pain: Patients may experience abdominal pain and discomfort, especially after eating.

  2. Diarrhea: Heterophyosis can cause frequent stools with a lumpy consistency.

  3. Lack of appetite: Patients may lose interest in food and experience decreased appetite.

  4. Nerve disorders: In some cases, heterophyosis larvae can burrow into the brain or spinal cord, causing neurological symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and loss of coordination.

  5. Cardiac complications: If parasite eggs enter the heart through the bloodstream, it can lead to serious heart damage such as pericarditis or endocarditis.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of heterophyosis is based on clinical symptoms, as well as the detection of parasite eggs in the patient's stool using microscopic examination. Additional laboratory tests, such as immunoserological tests or molecular methods, may be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of heterophyosis includes the use of anthelmintic drugs. One of the most common drugs used to treat this disease is tetrachlorethylene. It is usually given as an injection and allows you to kill adult parasites in the intestines. To prevent re-infections, hygiene measures such as proper cooking of fish before consumption must be ensured.


To prevent infection with heterophyosis, it is recommended to observe the following measures:

  1. Hygiene measures when handling and preparing fish: Fish should be thoroughly cleaned, the intestinal system removed and properly cooked before consumption. It is recommended to avoid eating raw or undercooked fish.

  2. Drinking water: It is recommended to consume only clean and safe drinking water. Maintaining proper hygiene of plumbing systems is also an important aspect of prevention.

  3. Maintaining Sanitation: Regular hand washing before eating and after using the toilet, and maintaining a clean and sanitary environment are important measures to prevent parasite infestation.


Heterophyiasis is a serious parasitic disease caused by the trematode Heterophytes heterophyes. Infection occurs through consumption of raw or salted fish containing the larvae of these parasites. Early detection and treatment of heterophyosis play an important role in preventing complications and progression of the disease. Maintaining hygiene measures and properly processing fish before eating it are important aspects of preventing this disease. If you suspect heterophyosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.