Quinine Hydrochloride

Quinine hydrochloride is a drug from the group of antimalarials, recommended for the prevention and treatment of infections caused by malarial plasmodia. This active substance is a tetracycline derivative designed to increase the effectiveness and duration of action of tetracycline-containing drugs.

Effects **Quinine Hydrochloride** has a specific effect on plasmodia, which develop in human red blood cells, by suffocating the parasite and destroying it. This allows you to prevent and eliminate the development of some malarial diseases. The drug can be prescribed for the prevention and treatment of malaria

Quinine is a substance that is used to treat malaria. It is one of the main medicines used to combat this disease. Quinine hydrochloride is the form of quinine that is used in tablets.

Quinines hydrochloride are synthetic drugs that are used to fight many types of malaria and other diseases. In particular, quinines are the drug of choice for malaria infection caused by Plasmodium falciparum.

Many pharmaceutical companies are involved in the production of quinine hydrochloride, but the most famous are its manufacturers, such as Russian chemical enterprises or Tverskaya FF. The drug is available in two different dosages: 250 and 500 mg. It is recommended that you consult your doctor for instructions on dosage and use, as well as compatibility with other medications.

Although quinine hydrochloride is considered a safe drug, it is important to consult a doctor before taking it. It is also not recommended to take it without prior consultation with a specialist, especially in case of individual intolerance. When taking, you should follow the instructions for taking the drug.