Seizure Epileptic Paramnestic

Epileptic paramnestic seizure: symptoms, causes and treatment

A paramnestic epileptic seizure (a. epilepticus paramnesticus) is a form of epileptic seizure that is characterized by the presence of paramnesia (distorted memories). This type of seizure is rare and often difficult to diagnose.

Symptoms of a paramnestic epileptic seizure may include symptoms such as déjà vu, delusions, distorted memories, and amnesia. Impaired consciousness and convulsive movements may also occur. At the same time, the patient retains understanding of speech and the ability to communicate.

The causes of an epileptic paramnestic seizure can be varied. They may be associated with traumatic brain injuries, infectious diseases, brain tumors, metabolic disorders, and hereditary factors.

To diagnose an epileptic paramnestic seizure, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, including electroencephalography (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and other medical studies.

Treatment of a paramnestic epileptic seizure may include the use of antiepileptic drugs such as sodium valproate, lamotrigine and others. Surgical correction may also be performed if brain tumors or other forms of damage are present.

In general, paramnestic epileptic seizure is a rare form of epilepsy that requires complex diagnosis and treatment. At the first signs, you should consult a neurologist for consultation and prescribe adequate therapy.

Seizure epileptic paramnesia is a type of epilepsy that occurs due to temporary disturbances in memory and brain function. Such mental disorders arise due to changes in the functioning and restoration of brain neurons, and are associated with epileptic seizures. Seizures of the epileptic paramnestic type manifest themselves in a person in different ways: temporary memory loss may occur for a long period of time, or it may seem that the person is remembering some long-forgotten events, as if they had just happened. This is a specific form of epilepsy and is a serious disease. If you or your loved ones experience such manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of epileptic paramnestic seizures Seizures with paramnesia can manifest themselves in various ways. It all depends on the characteristics of the disease. However, there are several most common types: - Enesthesophagic seizures: a person feels dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. Temporary loss of vision is possible. - Absence seizures, in which a person's face becomes pale, but he himself does not realize it. Loss of consciousness is also possible. Such seizures have a high risk of visual epileptyphonia attacks. This type requires emergency assistance, as the victim may begin to walk on the ceiling or perform other dangerous actions.