History Social

Social history is part of the history that describes the living conditions, social status and social activity of the patient. This information can be very important for understanding the causes and development of the disease, as well as for determining treatment tactics and prognosis.

Anamnesis of social status may include information about place of residence, education, profession, income, marital status, bad habits and other factors that may affect health. It is important to take into account not only the patient’s personal data, but also data about his environment, including social connections, work, education, etc.

For example, if a patient is diagnosed with a malignant tumor, a social history can help determine what factors may contribute to the development of the disease, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or poor diet. It may also be important to find out about the presence of hereditary diseases in the patient's relatives in order to determine the risk of developing similar diseases.

Obtaining a social history can be a complex process, as it may require communication with relatives, friends and colleagues of the patient. However, this may be necessary for more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Social history

Anamnesis (from the Greek word “anamnesis” - memory) is a detailed collection of information about the state of health, the symptoms of a given disease, the factors of its development and course. In addition, an important aspect of this method is the study of the patient’s personality and the social environment in which he is located. The purpose of this conversation is not only to obtain information about the causes of the disease, but also to try to identify factors that could contribute to the development of a particular disease. It also identifies physical, social, cultural, economic, environmental and genetic risk factors.

**_Social history is important for doctors, as well as for other specialists working with the patient._** Doctors receive information from the clinician about the life history and development of the disease, which helps in making a preliminary diagnosis. If the patient is of particular interest for study, then this can become the basis for serious research.

Why is it important to consider social history? - In severe and long-term disease, it is an important component in choosing treatment tactics. Taking into account social history allows you to make a more informed choice on how to conduct therapy, when and what drugs to prescribe. The doctor must look both ways: both correctly understand the physical illness and take into account social factors. - The collected information allows us to draw conclusions about the characteristics of human behavior during certain manifestations of the disease.