
One of the body's important defense mechanisms against disease is immune cells, which “spot” infected cells and activate other defense mechanisms to eliminate them. However, not all infected cells can be destroyed without damaging surrounding healthy cells. In such cases, some cells also die from a lack of substances necessary for their life. This phenomenon is called "immune-induced cell death" or apoptosis. Without receptors that recognize infected cells, the immune system becomes ineffective in fighting the disease. However, there is a group of medications called immunomodulators. They not only protect healthy cells from infection, but also activate the immune system so that it successfully fights infection. One of the drugs in the group of immunomodulatory drugs is Targen (tagent ®) - a highly effective stimulator of anti-infective defense and immunomodulator.

In the event of an infection, the immune system needs to start fighting the attacking infection as quickly as possible, suppressing the production of its own antigens by the immune system, since the immune system (as we remember) is not particularly accurate and tends to attack its own cells as a source of danger. Inhibition of this process is necessary to restrain a massive attack of the immune system on one’s own cells, which can end very disastrously for a person (significant and rapid production of antibodies to one’s own cells occurs, and leukocytes are activated). This leads to inflammation of all internal organs, systemic dysfunction syndrome (the work of almost all human organs is disrupted) and skin diseases due to imperfect immunity, which works against the tissues of the body’s own. Thus, to fight infection, it is necessary to maintain not only the strength of the immune system, but also to control the process of secretion of one’s own antigens by the immune system, which unleash the strength of the immune response and quickly lead to attacks on one’s own cells (synergy effect)